28 April 2009
Day 2.
Love Lots Ysh at 8:26 AM 0 comments
Love this! My Doodlers
27 April 2009
Look What I Found...Eeeek! Hahaha
Love Lots Ysh at 3:15 PM 0 comments
Love this! beautiful creations
1st day- April 16, 2009:
I went out from work at 6AM, endured traffic for 3hours on our way to the airport and waited for my scheduled departure. My mum and dad fetched me at Legazpi airport at 11:30AM, we then bought “Bicol Express, Adobo, and Igado” for lunch, which I totally crave, I ate like there's no tomorrow (and darn my vegetarian lifestyle-plan failed again) haha. At 1PM, I finally embraced my bed, my pink bed! God it feels sooo good. I slept like a baby and woke up at around 4PM. Since Bicol has been celebrating the Magayon Festival in Legazpi City, there’s this month-long festivity and beer-plaza at penaranda park. (imagine my brain at work-hihi) 7PM, I met with my bestfriend Lala and patched broken gossips. We drank beer and devoured on tacos and nachos. Justin (grace’s ex), then showed up, red on the face and with his own swaying drunk dance. But despite the smashed Justin who constantly spoke of his newest fascination, Sean Jeon Emmanuel, his 6 month old son, we had lots of fun. Pics!
Love Lots Ysh at 2:22 PM 0 comments
Love this! beautiful creations, My Doodlers
16 April 2009
13 April 2009
I so miss my friends, my family, my dogs. Haha.
I’m on season 2 of Heroes and damn I love Elle, or Bell, whatever. :D
I’ll slow down coz hell I’m not getting enough sleep,
Sleep knocks on my door... toodles!

Love Lots Ysh at 5:39 PM 2 comments
Love this! kristen bell, My Doodlers
10 April 2009
One Hungry Ysh
Ysh: bakit naman kelangan may “s” pa yung blog?
Miles: Onga, dapat blog lang noh!
Jason (to Miles): hello? Dalawa kaya tayo kaya Blogs! Tanga ka ba?
Unstoppable laughter follows.
Okay, I met this uber funny guy whose name doesn’t count a surname (what?)
Jason Paul Nicanor Carlos
See, where’s the middle name? Where’s the last name? hahaha! Go figure.
We ate at Gloria Maris in San Juan, devoured hot pots and lotsa other dimsums (which I totally live for) and Jason just kept on cracking jokes which made me almost choke and with all the food stuffed in my neck. Gross thinking Y. hahaha
I’ve lived as a vegetarian for two whole weeks and last night just ruined the testament that I planned to live by. Darn it. When you have chef friends you really can’t resist.
Side track. I have been peacefully living for a week and well, I feel for Yza whose still being bugged by those two little cockroach bitches. I told you the creed of being in my position right? Get EVEN. Works for me. All the time.
"It's not often you get to see frogs and rats in their natural habitat. Such gentle, yet elusive creatures." – Follow the wink after that.:D
As to how I got my sweet little victory revenge? Here’s what Veronica Mars has to say:
“So how did people blackmail each other before email? Thirty years ago, I'd be here all night, cutting letters from a magazine and getting glue everywhere. Now it's just one button.”
Love Lots Ysh at 5:55 PM 0 comments
Love this! bloopers
Tres Perros
Rest mode.
And since it's Holy Week I decided to relax and just chill.
No malls, no gimmicks, no bitchin over Little L. (ugh I had to mention the name again). Ooops, that was bitch. ;D
So I went to Miles' and drank red wine at the terrace of her 35th floor crib.
Relaxing? Yeah.
Seeing all those twinkling lights of the city from above made me feel "grown up".
Not grown up as the age of 30's or 40's thing, but I feel old.
Old as in Wise.
I've just realized how proud I should be of myself,
I'm living alone in this city,
I'm working and earning my own money,
I'm surviving.
I'm alone.
I'm satisfied.:)
Aryt, gotta go now, I just had to put those into writing, ya know, share to the world how my outlook in life now is. Mito, Colie and Toby are pestering me again...but how cute they are...aaaww.. see for yourself! Pics!

Love Lots Ysh at 12:57 AM 1 comments
Love this! beautiful creations, My Doodlers
05 April 2009
Gramps' Lessons ;)
Da igual. Se que son tontos para entender de todos modos Ingles.
Eres tan Fea Rana!
Sambio de tema, me ha salido para el cumpleaƱos de mi mama. Me voy a casa pronto, nos vemos amigos!
Wait for Moi. Soon :D
Love Lots Ysh at 11:38 AM 0 comments
04 April 2009
Come On Mandy!
One, two, one, two
This is the life
Oh, One way, One way, or another
One way
One way or another I'm gonna find ya
I'm gonna getcha getcha getcha getcha
One way or another I'm gonna win ya
I'm gonna getcha I'll getcha getcha
One way or another I'm gonna see ya
I'm gonna meetcha meetcha meetcha meetcha
One day, maybe next week
I'm gonna meetcha, I'll meetcha, I'll meetcha
I will drive past your house
And if the lights are all down
I'll see who's around
One way or another I'm gonna find ya
I'm gonna getcha getcha getcha getcha
One way or another I'm gonna win ya
I'll getcha, I'll getcha
One way or another I'm gonna see ya
I'm gonna meetcha meetcha meetcha meetcha
One day, maybe next week
I'm gonna meetcha, I'll meetcha, I'll meetcha
And if the lights are all out
I'll follow your bus downtown
See who's hanging out
One way or another I'm gonna lose ya
I'm gonna give you the slip, a slip of the lip or another
I'm gonna lose ya, I'm gonna trick ya, I'll trick ya trick ya
One way or another I'm gonna lose ya
I'm gonna trick ya trick ya trick ya trick ya
One way or another I'm gonna lose ya
I'm gonna give you the slip
I'll walk down the mall
Stand over by the wall
Where I can see it all
Find out who ya call
Lead you to the supermarket checkout
Some specials and rat food, get lost in the crowd
One way or another I'm gonna getcha
I'll getcha, I'll getcha getcha getcha getcha
One way or another I'm gonna getcha
I'll getcha, I'll getcha getcha getcha getcha
One way or another I'm gonna getcha
I'll getcha, I'll getcha getcha getcha getcha
One way or another I'm gonna getcha
I'll getcha, I'll getcha getcha getcha getcha
Love Lots Ysh at 1:36 PM 0 comments
You Can Ring My Bell...:)
I love love love Kristen Bell! Way to go Veronica Mars! I'll be watchin out for the movie... Damn I just remembered, she's Sarah Marshall! and OMFG she's Gossip Girl too! Can't heart you enough..<3
Love Lots Ysh at 3:59 AM 0 comments
Love this! gossip girl, kristen bell, sarah marshall, veronica mars
02 April 2009
Green-Eyed Monster
What does it take for one to hate someone without any rock-solid, firm reason at all?
That happens right?
Just like how I started hating the promiscuous girl who’s always the star in my previous posts.
But come to think of it, I had my reasons to hate. She clearly tried to sabotage me in my own work office. That’s enough to get back with vengeance. And now she’s hibernating and hiding what’s left of her life, she knows she can’t risk further and lose. Nothing’s gonna be left.
But am I that dreadful now? Who have I become? I try not to care or so because I totally love every part of my verve right now. Just as Kelly goes, “you should know, that I get, I get what I want.”
Now, the exciting part is, Miss Itch was just a one time- big time phony. Ugh, god I hate people who cut short my happy days. I wasn’t done with you Mitch (oops) Miss Itch right? Anyway, go and never show your toothless face again.
You've nearly warmed this cold, cold heart of mine.
Now it’s this plain looking midget named JOAN (that’s no code name readers). She hates me. I don’t effin know who she is (or I never noticed. RECAP—plain looking.). And she evidently doesn’t know one hell bit about my life. Why then would she have the hating doldrums towards me?
I really don’t mind. Multiple reasons, hey Joan, did you see me kissing your boyfriend at the back aisle? Nah, I don’t think so.
We do it at the front. *wink*
If you hate me so much why do you even pass by our team bay you head case?
What? Parading your voluptuous bod? Oh yeah, crank it up coz you need a little height there, and moisturizer (want one?), a few concealers to hide your spots and blots and oh that fried-hair you have? Come’on. Heard of conditioners?
Don’t go “courting danger” babe, you’re inevitably gonna lose your cool one day.
And think of this:
Have you decided which side of your face you’re gonna show everyone when you’ve finally mustered the guts to face me? Coz maybe you don’t know that I KNOW already how you’re supposedly born to hate me. Why would I be making you famous here in my blog if I haven’t had a clue? And if I may, a follow up. Can you believe how my confidante happens to be your best friend?
Yeah, I’ve outed you, bring on out the shocked face ;)
So okay, it seems that more and more nanny-looking freaks are beginning to hate me. What’s a girl to do in a sitch like this? Smile. =)
You love me, don’t you?
Can’t read my, can’t read my, no they can’t read my poker face. :p
Does that make me a bitch? Maybe it does. I'm harder and less forgiving than I used to be.
Don't expect me to apologize for it.
Love Lots Ysh at 7:31 AM 0 comments