Today is supposed to be Father's Day but given that my baby and I haven't met our "future dad" yet *wink*.. We spent the day as normal as possible, my Mum cooked Dad's favorite dish for lunch and at around 3pm, we went out to shop some groceries and ended up buying a LOT of infant onesies from our favorite "suki" UK Talk about "branded" and "cheap"! Most of my wardrobe pieces came from UK, hehe.. I remember my office mates asking me where I got the cute floral skirt that I was wearing and I said I bought it at some mall when really, I paid only ten pesos for it. Sssshhh :) No wonder they call me the Ukay Expert..Lols
For a total of Php200.00, I got all these:

I don't know baby's gender yet so I had to pick a set of blues, neutrals and pinks! haha.. anyhow, if it's a boy I can gift the pink set to one of my godchilds and vice-versa :)
But there are some things that cannot be bought at these cheap rates for a newborn baby, and browsing online, I can only drool. If only clicking the "Like" button will get me all these for my baby.. Parang si Lola lang sa commercial ng BayanDSL.. lol :D
And a LOT MOOORE... whoa...

I can imagine how shopaholic I'll become once my babe is here ..but/and of course, I need to earn moolah TWICE as HARD! Whew.. :) Regardless, giving my best to sustain for my child will still be the most glorious pain I can and will ever feel.. I know all Moms do :)
I need to plan the baby shower! Aaaaaaghhh! Any volunteer? Any sponsors? Friends? :)
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