
28 March 2010

Starting it Right

I went to Church today after work. I had this need, no, obligation to fulfill and it kept screaming in my conscience. I have to pay my respect. I have to go home to Him, even for just a short time.

So I bought this pink "palaspas". A way of celebrating Palm Sunday for most of us Filipinos consist of these palm branches.

"Domingo de Ramos or Palm Sunday mass is the first mass of the Holy Week. It celebrates the entry of Jesus to Jerusalem. We’ve learned from the Bible that Jesus entered the town of Jerusalem on a donkey instead of on foot, and was acclaimed by crowds waving branches."

I feel that this is a way that God has led me into, for me to embrace the change that is to happen in my life. It has always been Him who feels my needs, who understands my pains and nurses my failures. And it is for Him that I humbly submit myself.

I know that I'm in the right path... :)

Because I can feel Him holding my hand...always. :)

22 March 2010

Straight from Hell ;)

Hope Full :)

Say it again.


My bloground song says it for me, haha. What the hell is "bloground"? Geez Ysh. :)

So anyway, here I am ready to scatter some deets for y'all.Whatever happened to me in the past weeks had been all hell and all crap. And when I say hell, it’s really more than that (if there’s such a word).

I'm sick. A rare sickness that doctors call “idiopathic” which means that there's no definite cause, no definite cure, no ETA, no ETD. Whatever. I really don't wanna discuss it much because it makes me all piteous of myself again, and a scratch of my self-esteem is the last thing that I need right now.

On a lighter note, because of this sickness I got to go home in my hometown. Yay! I stayed in Bicol for 12 days and aside from the hospital-house route, I got to see my old friends from grade school :) The downfall is, I cannot drink alcohol anymore, well I still can probably consume 1-2 bottles but more than that? Na-uh. I'd rather not risk having those hideous red rashes all over my legs again. :( 

Now I'm back in Manila. Here in my very own crib, all alone. But at least I have a T.V now, and an Internet connection (thank the gods!) and a DVD player (weee) and I still have my job! :p I should be thankful, right?

As for my love life. Oh I'm feeling it. I am getting there :)

03 March 2010

When He Called.

I was heartbroken 2 weeks ago.

So heartbroken that I even slumped in the corner of my dark room, all teary and miserable. I slumped there for hours, staring at nothingness, looking like a freaking vampire.

I never thought that that scenario is even possible. I thought it only happens in movies where the damsel-in-distress who's all too stressed and depressed die of a heartbreak.

What a loser. Oh yeah, now I am too. Blah.

But 2 days ago...

He called.

HE called.

I shouted on Facebook:

"He called me. He called ME. Why would he CALL me? WHY?!"

You see? There was excitement in that post. I did see that.

Now I ask myself WHY.


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