I crave for drama..but I don't dwell..
Love Lots Ysh at 12:27 AM 0 comments
Love this! baby y, beautiful creations, tutus
Love Lots Ysh at 10:32 PM 0 comments
Love this! beautiful creations, tutus
Love Lots Ysh at 8:38 PM 0 comments
Love this! baby y, beautiful creations, love 'em, My Doodlers
Love Lots Ysh at 6:48 PM 0 comments
Love this! bloopers, revised and reborn..=)
Love Lots Ysh at 6:34 PM 0 comments
Love this! stupid much
The scent that emits in you, that floral and spring smell that brings back memories…
The warmth of your embrace and the softness of your touch…
Your loud morning yells and the smell of your egg omelets…
Your consistent asking if what you’re wearing is pretty or nice…
Your white hairs and when we sit by the front door while I remove each one of them…
That frown on your face whenever I tell you that I’m going out with friends and that I’ll be home late so don’t wait and sleep already… But I always find you asleep in the living room’s sofa when I open the door. You always wait.
Your instant SMS reply of “YES” whenever I send you an “ASK-A-LOAD 5.00” message.
Now that I’m having my own child…
The way you showed your unconditional love and acceptance despite my shortcomings…
The way you look me in the eyes and assure me that you’ll never let me falter regardless my situation…
When you put your palm in my belly for the first time and felt your grandchild kick…
And when you insist that you be called “Mommy” and I, “Mama” whenever I tease you that I’m gonna teach my baby to call you “Wowa”…
Those nights when Dad is away and I still sleep with you in your room…
And up until now, the way you check me in my room in the middle of the night…
There is no one in this world that I look up to and love more than YOU. And when my little one comes out in this world, I know she’ll be alright, because you’re her grandma and from what I read on one grandma’s view, she said “I can never explain the joy I felt when I saw my daughter’s baby for the first time, it was like the day I gave birth to her. And I can’t stop smiling because I know I get to fill up whatever I missed. I get to be a mom all over again, that’s what grandmas do. J”
I love you Mom J
Love Lots Ysh at 2:09 PM 0 comments
Love this! My Doodlers
Love Lots Ysh at 11:48 AM 0 comments
Love this! mind-blogging
Love Lots Ysh at 10:21 AM 0 comments
Love this! i'm bored