
16 January 2009

Hello Bloodsucker...:)

Okay, I know of some people who got head-over-heels to this saga-made-movie, the no other than blockbuster hit Twilight. I never really knew what that movie was all about, when the promos aired, I thought (honestly, please don't laugh) that the movie is another version of "The Twilight Zone"..hahaha! Anyway, after all the screams and hisses have died, I finally decided to read the book. I always read before I critic the movie (HP, LOTR, Nicholas Spark's creations, etc). Then and there, I got hooked up, with the book though, not the movie. I've always been a bookworm and since I got this fever (literally), I had nothing else to do but stay in bed, prop up my laptop and read the ebooks I have in store. I admire the writer, Stephenie Meyer, for coming up with just the perfect blend of conversation lines for the characters, with a touch of romance, a hint of blatant criticism and direct to the point humor, which made the books so easy to read while at the same time, addictive to the brain. After the first book, I then I watched the movie, it was average, not very "bravo" level but it came up with at least half of my expectations, I've nothing against the characters chosen, I'm more of a substance observer. I believe the sequel is on the move, New Moon has been agreed by Summit Productions and will be filmed soon. I'll look out for that.:) I'm now on the third book and oh, Charlie is my fave male character, since he (creeps) insanely reminds me of my Dad and Alice is my fave femme reason at all, she just seems so girly.. I like that.haha..Ciao!


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