
30 March 2009

The L Word


Hahaha. I am so excited to post this!

My bessy J finally saw the horrid-frog-looking Little L!

Maybe some of you would raise eyebrows by now as to why I'm still bitchin over the ugly hoe. I just don't get tired of ENJOYMENT girls. :D Enjoy the show.

So there, my best friend was having a date with her boyfriend at this resto somewhere out there (hehe) and my my, who do they bump to? Little L and her "hubby". How sweet, they're having a date and with candles lit everywhere. Too bad the candle flames made Little L look like Shrek. :D

Remember Froggy, just when you thought you had your quiet, destiny yet but brings again the Bitches who'll ruin your peace. And next time, wear something we can call "Class"

What's it gonna be girlie girl? 

As V.Mars always say...

Do you even have to ask?



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