For a few days now, I was judged, I was left out, I was floating, I was... Drowning.
I couldn't blame him. He was honest. He was bold. My friend's perception of being bold? Sinner. So what the hell do you care? Yeah, I'm done.
Everything that once was simple, is now complicated. Turns out, I needed to take at least 8 steps to recovery.
1. Forget everything that happened (yeah, right)
2. Forget him (yeah, right again)
3. Forget missing him (facepalm)
4. Meet new people, and it means one person who listens to my nonsense blabbing because NO ONE ELSE DOES. (deo deo deo)
5. Stop comparing him to the new people (kill me now)
6. Stop stalking (deactivate now?)
7. UNFOLLOW him (easy...)
8. UNLOVE him (... </3...)
NO BIG right? If only the reality is still separated from this wonderful fantasy that we onced lived. My 8 steps to recovery is easy peasy.. Psshh! I can definitely HEAL like what everyone is telling me to do. *rolling eyes*
If only.... "Bahala na si Batman"
Bahala na din ako..
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