God has better plans – I kept that phrase in my mind, always. I believed in the power of those words, I still do, though sometimes, I tend to reassess myself, and ask questions. I often wonder why I live a life full of fun, yet overflowing with pressure. I ask myself why I am confident, although it’s a good thing, but still I ask why I feel so proud about myself when all through my life, I never gained anything or anyone to be proud of. I am never a good daughter, that is for sure, and I can never be called a good student either. I think I’m good in handling relationships but that is all too wrong. See, I am never good at anything, except maybe by scribbling words like these. Well, maybe I am good at one thing besides writing, maybe I am a good friend. Just maybe. Most of the time I feel better about some things that I do, I can swish and swoosh my pen and make a poem in just a couple of minutes, I do very well in craft making, I enjoy cooking, I love babysitting, I adore puppies and kittens, I laugh my heart out when I’m with my friends, I become comical and entertaining to most people, I’ve been in-love with someone, I had my heart broken very well, One night, I cried a bucket of tears. But I’ve never ever in my whole life felt of how it is to be fulfilled with all my heart and be loved unconditionally except by my mom… With that reason, do you think maybe I can pass God’s “PRIORITY” list?

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