Who doesn't know this logo? Hahaha...
For the past week I've been totally bonded with this logo and I totally enjoyed every moment I spent with it together with my friends. Hahaha! You see, I drink alcoholic beverages not for the purpose of getting drunk, I see no point in that (well unless you really want to doze off early). I enjoy the company of my friends, old and new, and I savor the conversations and the laughters we share. I treasure every stolen moment we get just to get together and have fun, just like the old times when we were just teenagers and not quite brave enough to embrace that swaying and light feeling of getting tipsy and drunk. I miss my friends, I didn't imagine that one day, we will part ways and go separate worlds, not knowing where the paths would lead us, never having the assurance that we'll once again share laughters and fun with Mr. RedHorse. Hahaha.. Well then, I know for sure that we are friends and no matter what, that will stay that way forever. I meet people, lots of people every single day of my life but our friendship won't ever falter.
I miss them.
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