I so wanna believe in what you say,
When you tell me to trust you and everything's gonna be okay,
It hurts, I try to believe you,
But eventually in the end,
I don't.
Maybe it's destiny,
or maybe not.maybe it's God's plan for me to end up like this.
Life`s a bitch.
Hell yeah I say that a lot these days.
Lord please be with me,
Whisper in my ear what I have to believe...
I haven't felt so devastated for the longest, longest time..
I prayed for him to come,
and he did..
But why now does he have to leave and break my soul?
Maybe I was just pretending to believe after all.
I just want to cry.
I try to touch the horizon with the hopes of YOU and I living our lives together someday. I clung with my dreams together with this ring that you gave me as a symbol of our love.
But now..
You let me die...
When the feeling was gone, you could have told me sooner..
I could have lived.
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