30 January 2008
Broken Friendships
Love Lots Ysh at 10:28 PM 0 comments
Love this! litters of hurt
28 January 2008
Tagged and Tugged
2. I love the color Pink but Blue complements me so well. Weird
3. I am a couch potato, I can lay on the couch all day with a good book.
4. I am so desperately wanting to earn online through blogging.
5. I've been and am still entitled as the matchmaker for my friends and their prospect partners (hahaha!)
6. I am an only child.
7. I soo need a facial right now! I could feel dirt and grease all over my face! Yikes!
A- Age: 22
B- Band Listening To Right Now: Nothing. Just JB and Celine having a shouting match on TV..Lols
C- Career: web writer, invitation designs, blogger
D- Drink or Smoke: Yep and Yes
E- Easiest Friends To Talk To: I can only count five.
G- Gummy Bears or Gummy Worms: gummy worms
H- Have a Boyfriend: My ichiworm.
I- In love: so much (and I hope it stays that way)
J- Junk Food You Like: VCut for life!
K- Kids: I love kids, every kid in this world!
L- Longest Ride Ever: from Sorsogon to Baguio
M- Most favorite website: such-a-cutie.blogspot.com (of course! haha)
N- Names For Your Future Kids: Hmm..Yuan Jaerron Rafaiel / Yshi Izabella Xelynne..hehe
O- One Wish You Have Now: I'm wishing for a brand new laptop!
P- Phobias: I can't ride a motorcycle/bike ever since I had an accident a year ago.
Q- Favorite Quote: "God gives everything you can ask for..In His own time" -works big time for me
R- Reasons To Smile: My ichi, my cousins, my Jaja, and Facewarp.
S- Sleeping Hours: 12midnight. I can't sleep until after 12am..regardless of electricity cut-outs or whatsoever. hahaha..
T- Time You Woke Up: Today? 7:30am
U- Unknown Fact About You: I can't/won't sleep without swaying my feet back and forth.
V- Vegetable You Hate: Upo..
W- Worst Habit: sneezing uncontrollably
X- X-rays You've Had: For my back ailment, lower lumbar. Result? levoscoliosis..waaa
Y- Yummy Foods:Lasagna, Burgers, Ice creams, Barbeque!
Z- Zodiac Sign: Taurus
You're Tagged:
Love Lots Ysh at 9:53 PM 0 comments
Love this! bloopers
Gun Shots

Love Lots Ysh at 9:33 PM 0 comments
Love this! rain gently falls
I Need A Vacation!

Love Lots Ysh at 9:48 AM 0 comments
Love this! mind-blogging
27 January 2008
My Unsuspecting Victims
Love Lots Ysh at 11:31 PM 0 comments
Love this! bloopers

Love Lots Ysh at 11:26 PM 0 comments
Love this! rain gently falls

Who doesn't know this logo? Hahaha...
I miss them.
Love Lots Ysh at 9:52 PM 0 comments
Love this! bloopers
Broken Life
On the deepening leaf of my barren life,
I surrendered my last recourse.
With your parting sweat, I fed my sigh.
And the splitting voices ran through the walls.
I sentenced my judgment to amend with yours.
With the rushing breathes and aching glances,
You succeeded, but you bled with my soul.
Fluttering with my body you rejoiced,
Yet claiming my heart, you failed to blow.
On the blossoming femininity you cried,
With the flaming fire of lust you smiled.
I battled my empty buttons and strived,
Yes, you captured the skeleton of my life,
But not the creed of my feeding heart,
Through the bliss you shouted with glee,
You pictured satisfaction and greed.
Now my life is boating through the wire,
Lighting with your endless selfish grace,
I’ve had enough of your cruel sheets,
As I lay in your arms with a broken life,
Rest assured, my heart was kept living…Not in yours…
I made this last year, I dunno why the words are like that..hahaha! Sobrang lalim naman..
But I find it such an emotion-filled poem..So read on! mwah!
Love Lots Ysh at 4:18 PM 0 comments
Love this! My Doodlers
Two nights ago, my Tita Noemz, my cousin JR, my boyfriend Ichi, my girl friend Nikka and the birthday celebrant Jen were having such a great time drinking and having funny chit-chats at Jen's house. We were laughing our hearts out and totally enjoying the night until after two bottles of alcohol, we decided to continue the fun at Nikka's place. The fun and the endless laughter continued and before we could say stop, the bottles totalled to four. We were even amazed because we were not getting drunk! We then agreed to go home since Nikka will be sleeping the night over at our house, Jen went home already and I was assigned to buy more beer because the drinking spree is not over yet, whew..there we were, once again having hilarious stints and sudden outbursts of laughter when a friend of ours texted Nikka, it was Benj, our Highschool classmate and he was asking if he could come over with two other friends, who we don't know. My Tita agreed only if they bring and buy more beer. They did. I went outside to open the gates for them, I recognized Benj of course, he was with another guy (or gay?) that I'll name Curly and an Indian guy I'd rather call Feet. I instantly recognized him as an Indian because of his features and his 'carabao english', but he instantly made my blood boiling too! He was an arrogant, big-headed, proud, overconfident and smug pervert! He kept commanding and demanding, and it was me he always point at, like 'you put other beer in the fridge Miss' and 'i want Matrix, play it DVD Miss' and 'put volume up more loud'.. Urgggghhhh! I super hate him the instant I saw his face. He's not even good-looking if I may state that FACT. He thinks I'm a housemaid! After a few minutes, Ichi went home because he was so sleepy and it was already 1:30AM. I walked him to the gate, when I came back inside I didn't know that the Indian already invited my friends over to his place for more beer! I cannot barely contain my annoyance but I had no choice but to come with them since they wanted to and because if I stay, I'll still be the one to open the door for them when they get home (it means I'll get no sleep after all). When we arrived, he offered more and I say lots of beer, still it didn't rid my anger.They all talked and laughed and joked, I just stayed on my place, they were even persuading me to do the talking since I am the English major and the Indian can't speak English clearly. I ignored them. I was hating the Indian more and more. He was busy flirting with Nikka, yuck..! He even cried (literally) just because Nikka wouldn't go with him to 'walk' outside. Later on, he was saying that he likes Nikka and that we should sleep at their house! Hahaha..what an ***hole. We went home but he insisted that Nikka rides with him in his motorcycle, he was very 'kulit' (persistent) that we had to say yes but only if Benj rides with them too. When we got home, he texted Nikka that he miss her already! and worse, he was saying 'I love you'! Y-U-C-K...The next day, the text messages continued. I didn't care a bit. Night came and once again, the six of us had another drinking spree..haha! Speaking of heavy drinkers! Well then, the Indian texted and is inviting us again to his place, Nikka wouldn't go without us so we had Ichi's car fully loaded (with people, not with gas..ahahahaha!) and went there. That was when I really wanted to kick the ugly brute in the face! Know what he did? He totally ignored us.Period. Benj was the one who led us inside and the Indian was in front of his computer with another guy, he was busy messing with the computer and didn't even notice (or he pretended not to) us sitting there waiting. RECAP- it was he who invited us!. Five whole minutes passed, my Tita got annoyed and was fuming with anger over the treatment we got, which we didn't deserve. Ichi, JR and Jen went out and got in the car, all pissed off, Tita and I followed while Nikka and Benj were talking. the Indian still ignored us. I wanted to slap and punch him, he got the nerve to invite six people into his place and then ignore them as if they were invisible, I wanted to burn him alive! (excuse the violence). We all marched out of that place and poured our hatred at Jen's place..Then Benj texted us, he said that the indian told him that he was only expecting Nikka alone and that Nikka will sleep there..It made us all more fuming with anger! he even texted Nikka "what do you want? s*x or money?" That 'F' beast! Who wouldn't react like this? What does he think about us? Beggars? Bitches? POOR? Well d*mn him and I hope he goes to h*ll..If I see him again, I wonder to god what I might do..urrggghhh!!
Love Lots Ysh at 1:24 PM 0 comments
Love this! litters of hurt
25 January 2008
The lamp by the pathway showers light,
Stones piled up the wall frowns with gloom.
Never had I understood this before,
And the olive ambiance perplexes my mood.
All I want to do is to adore you,
To love you and devote myself forever.
With the hue of the mist of my passion,
I tenderly comforted my sentiment.
The breezy waft of the air trembles my weary heart,
My intuition competes with my puzzled mind.
Do I have to set you free?
And let pain bring me to grief and misery?
With nature’s hug and deliverance,
I plea my heart’s scream.
It has always been you who brought me agony,
With deception and conceitedness, I fell.
I will never let you go… I promise.
But how can wings fly without release?
I suffered, I cried, I endured.
Have I lost you already? I wondered.
Romance and bitterness blends in me,
By the pathway I tormented with hurt.
The wind sympathizes with the tears I let go,
I love you…but only these stones will hear.
You flew, you left me. I wept.
With only these stones piled up the wall,
That covers you as you lay still,
How can I be with you? With these walls?
The pain will never endure I know,
As you rest forever, I will die breathing the ache,
And in my lifetime, I will shed rivers of tears,
For you…only for you…by the pathway.
Love Lots Ysh at 9:16 AM 0 comments
One Sad Poem
Gliding through my deepest thoughts,
I shuddered with tears.
My solitary haven ignites with fear,
It deepens my lonely home.
I forgot to know my own self,
Through the walls of sadness I dwelt.
No one rescued my falling soul,
I cried the ocean, no one cared.
I am alone, I am in deep.
I clung on hope but I failed myself
Feeling so cold, I wept with rain,
But no one cared, no one cared.
I’m mad about life and earth,
I’m crazy about torture and hate
Such fears tore my sanity
But who cared? No one…
Traveling my cheeks are salt & tears,
Kissing my lips are pale smiles,
They drowned my own,
They never cared.
I am alone, all alone.
Love Lots Ysh at 9:09 AM 0 comments
Love this! litters of hurt
23 January 2008
You're IT!
I Tagged Myself! hahaha! Tnx Twinx!
5 Things Found in my Bag
1. cellphone
2. wallet
3. pressed powder
4. a pair of shades
5. lip and cheek tint
5 Things Found in my Wallet
1. bills
2. ATM cards
3. ID's
4. pictures
5. receipts
5 Things Found in my Room
1. pink bed
2. pink curtains
3. sofa set
4. lots of clutter (my clothes!)
5. pink things
5 Things I’ve Always Wanted To Do
1. to drive all on my own!
2. shop till I drop..haha
3. travel Europe! Eiffel Tower!
4. have the fastest internet connection possible
5. ride and own a white horse
5 Things I am Currently Into
1. non-stop internet
2. online-gaming with ichi
3. drinking sessions with my gurlfriends (lols)
4. blogging!
5. shopping
5 People to Tag:
Jerky Rona
Mark Bryan
Love Lots Ysh at 4:01 PM 0 comments
Love this! bloopers
20 January 2008
Dinapa Fiesta- Castilla, Sorsogon...
Jayke DeiƱel P. Gomez- Christening...
9:00AM, all was ready, the car, Ninang Jen, I'm dressed and ready- except the driver -Ichi.

Joy, Jaezelle and her classmate- before their dance performance
(more pics to come!)
Love Lots Ysh at 11:49 PM 0 comments
Love this! My Doodlers
16 January 2008
06 January 2008
Love Lots Ysh at 11:52 PM 0 comments
Love this! mind-blogging
01 January 2008
Love Lots Ysh at 11:23 PM 0 comments
Love this! My Doodlers

Love Lots Ysh at 11:17 PM 0 comments