
30 November 2010

Getting There

Today was quite ordinary. I got home from work at around 6:30AM, checked my email in-boxes and Facebook and chatted for a bit with KY (Kentucky?) ha ha! At 8:30AM, I finally dozed off, sweet dreams. Then by 2:30PM, I woke up because I had to call the Laundry Shop for my clothes to be delivered, I then got up and paid the bills, the rent, the water (obligations..*sigh*) Finally, I had the urge to grab something to eat because of a rumbling tummy. I had "Pork Adobo" and "Sinigang" for lunch but boy I got sooo full after only a few spoonfulls. Why? I don't know. I barely ate last night at the office yet I feel like my stomach is gonna explode if I shove another grain of rice into my mouth. Oh for dieting's sake, bring it on! :)

I'm also proud that my blogging skills are gettin' back and sharp again. An excerpt from my email to Bessy "I suddenly missed writing. Yeah, I missed the excitement, the sensible thoughts that run into my mind every now and then, the freedom to just put into words what I really feel." And THAT, is so true. So expect more happenings and updates from such-a-cutie in the following days!

And oh, come January 2011, I will be having a beach get-away with friends at Calaguas, Camarines Norte! Gosh I am so excited! Lol! :) Look!

I am positively looking forward to a bright, happy, lucky and fruitful 2011!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year everyone! :))

Lotsa Love,


28 November 2010

Pardon the... Slacker!

Yeah, I know. I have been so torn with the idea of posting another blog entry, I feel as though I'd need a major major event to happen first before I can post anything in here. But of course there should be the updates, the pictures, the drama, the hate-posts, the current/daily musings and just about whatever happened for the past months. Alright, here goes...

May - Was my 24th birthday celebration. Yay for the cakes JM, Cha and Grace! :))

July - I got a tattoo! Actually, two. :)

August - I moved to a new apartment, much quieter, more peace of mind.. Haha

September/October - Was out and about the whole city. Friends! And went home in Bicol to celebrate with my Dad's 50th birthday. :)

There, that's enough for now.. haha! Oh for November? Nothing much, except that I always, always get soo bored at home that I end up camwhoring til dawn. Lol :))



20 November 2010

Other Half.

Can you believe it's been half a year since I last touched this blog?


Seriously, I sigh and I whine and I almost cry whenever I visit this blogsite. I feel a scrape of myself fly away like dead leaves, this blog has been my absorber for the past 4 years. My enabler, my de-stresser. But I let 6 whole months pass without a shrug. The abandoned.

I feel terrible that I've ignored this blog for soo long that I almost feel guilty and sorry (as if an online page will grant forgiveness) Lol. :))

I will try bloggy. No promises. I will revive the writer in me.


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