
17 February 2007


I’ve been to heaven and back to hell again… whew. Thanks to my little big bro, he made my summer a lot more fun and enjoyable. But 2 weeks just seem so..err.. short. Half-siblings deserve to be on the right track of bonding sessions right?? Anyway, I’m back to my chaotic yet classy life… who said being a province-girl means dork-driven and outdated? Na ah.. Now, I’m close to cursing the sun, the heat just drives me crazy! I can’t get out of the house not wearing a jacket, well both ways, I’m drenched with fire. I hate it… but I love summer! Uhmm..I’m losing the point am I? My welcoming to the adulthood is just within 2 week’s notice… goodbye teengirl.. yuck. I’m turning 20! Can’t it be twenTEEN?? Urghh! I’m a soon-to-be adult, I’m bored, and I don’t even have my friends here to share with the agony! What an enormously BORING life..yada, yada, yada… I’m outta here…-April 23, 2006


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