
19 June 2008

Hurt Me More So I'll Die

I can die. I can't bear the hurt. Now I know how it feels like to be cheated by someone you truly love, on your face. Fuck them. I am hurt, I am so full of emotions that I'm about to burst. I was bullshitted by someone I never imagined would gain enough courage to hurt me so bad, I am so much in pain right now I can gulp a bottle of tequila and get dead sleep. I hate him. I fucking hate and despise him. I don't wanna see his face, I don't wanna hear his lying voice. I am so enraged, I don't care what anyone thinks of this post, I am just so pissed off by my so-called boyfriend-now-ex. I know I'm not a perfect girlfriend, neither ideal but WTF I don't deserve this! He doesn't deserve me, I deserve someone better, someone more mature, someone more understanding and someone not overly dramatic and most of all someone who's libido is on the neutral state! Fuck. I want to scream! I want to get so drunk and so drugged, I need anyone who can give me a good slap in the face! Why is this happening to me? I'm through with lying, insensitive, ruthless jerks in my life. I fucking hate this life. Tell me, how can I ever trust "love" again?


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