
21 November 2008

Good Morning Post

Good morning Philippines!

Tired. Just got home from work and hell my tummy aches. Anyway, I've learned another life-essential lesson today..."Why Settle for Less?"

Wondering where that one is coming from? Well, before when I was still an aspiring nobody I used to be contented to just everything that comes ordinary, be it material or achievement. I'm making my point clear enough right? Well now that I'm working already, I am slowly building this determination to succeed and hope to God I can finally tower and be proud of myself. See, this blog is not all about my bitching (bummer...did I just use that word again on a supposed-serious post?) hahaha :) It's inate so bear with me my beloved readers.

Anyway, since I'm starting from the bottom, I know someday I will reach that peak of success. Every successful man has come from the starting line and I'm proud to say that I've already run a few miles from the start. Still I know, I'll be encountering a few obstacles here and there, I don't care, I will survive (naks!)

So there, I am again on the verge of fainting. Sleep is all that's lacking in my life right now, I'm starting to hate the mirror, whenever I face it I see eyebags! pakshet. Hahaha



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