
19 November 2008

Sneak Peek

"No, happily never after,
That just ain't for me,
Because finally
I know, I deserve better
After all...I'll never let another teardrop fall..."
Why am I fussing over this song that gives me the LSS? I don't know. I am feeling overwhelmed by my status as of the moment, God have mercy upon my soul when I confess the turn of events that has gotten into my hateful yet loving self.
Last sunday, we had a team building at Green Nature in San Mateo, t'was fun! I got to know my new team mates and we spent the night at Nikki's (witch!) haha! It was me, Leah, Nikki, Elah, Peej and Kenji (kenken) =D
Fun! Fun! Fun!
I'm too sleepy to chip in the juicy deets, soon you'll get a feast guys. Mwah Mwah! :)


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