
03 March 2010

When He Called.

I was heartbroken 2 weeks ago.

So heartbroken that I even slumped in the corner of my dark room, all teary and miserable. I slumped there for hours, staring at nothingness, looking like a freaking vampire.

I never thought that that scenario is even possible. I thought it only happens in movies where the damsel-in-distress who's all too stressed and depressed die of a heartbreak.

What a loser. Oh yeah, now I am too. Blah.

But 2 days ago...

He called.

HE called.

I shouted on Facebook:

"He called me. He called ME. Why would he CALL me? WHY?!"

You see? There was excitement in that post. I did see that.

Now I ask myself WHY.



clarence said...

maybe he just missed you so much. =]

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