
16 October 2015

Thank God it's Friday. NOT

Trick or Treat at Washington International School 2015

Sofia the First was the only choice since the announcement for the event was only sent out yesterday afternoon. Pssshh.. We wanted a Maleficent costume pa naman. 😒

I grudgingly dragged myself to Zya's school and at 7AM, I looked a lot more like a zombie than the scary costumes of the kids. I only had 2 hours or less of sleep. Worse, I cried myself to sleep last night. My eyes were puffy, swollen, sunken. My hair was wet and crazy all over. My aura was hellish. I was a walking disaster. I couldn't even look at myself in the mirror! I couldn't even take a decent selfie because I JUST CAN'T SMILE. 

Damn heartaches. 



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